Map of Plum Gut Harbor, Plum Island, Long Island, New York
Raw Tide Data
Plum Gut Harbor, Plum Island, Long Island, New York
41.1717° N, 72.2050° W
2024-10-15 02:20 AM EDT 0.12 feet ** Low Tide **
2024-10-15 04:29 AM EDT Moonset
2024-10-15 07:01 AM EDT Sunrise
2024-10-15 08:28 AM EDT 3.33 feet ** High Tide **
2024-10-15 02:50 PM EDT 0.03 feet ** Low Tide **
2024-10-15 05:13 PM EDT Moonrise
2024-10-15 06:07 PM EDT Sunset
2024-10-15 08:49 PM EDT 3.14 feet ** High Tide **
2024-10-16 03:04 AM EDT 0.01 feet ** Low Tide **
2024-10-16 05:48 AM EDT Moonset
2024-10-16 07:02 AM EDT Sunrise
2024-10-16 09:14 AM EDT 3.63 feet ** High Tide **
2024-10-16 03:42 PM EDT -0.16 feet ** Low Tide **
2024-10-16 05:38 PM EDT Moonrise
2024-10-16 06:05 PM EDT Sunset
2024-10-16 09:37 PM EDT 3.09 feet ** High Tide **
Tide Graphs and Charts - Plum Gut Harbor, Plum Island, Long Island, New York
The accuracy of these tide predictions is not guaranteed in any way. You should not use this program if anyone or anything could come to harm as a result of an incorrect tide prediction. NOAA and similar agencies in other countries can provide you with certified tide predictions if that is what you need.
XTide's predictions do not incorporate the effects of tropical storms, El Niño, seismic events, subsidence, uplift, or changes in global sea level.